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Photo by: The Creek Yearbook Photographer - Lindsay Garner

The Timber Creek High School Theatre Department recently presented a production of Robin Hood directed by Paul Raska. 

This delightful, fast moving and witty play appealed to a wide variety of theatre goers ranging from grade schoolers to grandparents!  The director’s personal touch provided through the comically pseudo-Shakespearean dialogue and seat of your pants action appealed to and captivated the entire audience.

In the play, Robin Hood who was delightfully played by Caleb Shaw, and his Merry Band perform their usual daring, dashing deeds in their customary fun-loving fashion while the Sheriff skillfully portrayed by Aaron Lancaster and his hapless assistant, Rodrigo, played by Colton Klopfenstein attempt a series of clever ploys to foil Robin’s activities.  In short order, Robin encounters and falls for Maid Marian (played by Rylee Jones) who inevitably joins Robin and his Merry band. No play would be complete with the notable performances of a very talented, veteran supporting cast that included Megan McCormack, Aaron Frye, Gabi Galloway, Caroline Norton, Jesse Champion, Rachel Scherer, Aaron Jaggers, Maddie Ott, Karen Sager, Kodi Dugan and Josh Tallman.

After a number of boldly dramatic and comic attempts made on both sides to outwit the other with neither party succeeding, Robin, who cannot resist an archery match, as the Sheriff well knows, enters an archery contest. Robin of course wins the contest, which of course calls for a bit of sword play and of course he triumphs over the nefarious sheriff winning not only the contest and Marian’s heart but freedom for the citizens of Nottingham!