
With unseasonably warm temperatures around North Texas, the Grapevine Police Department is reminding citizens that crimes are often "near" and offering up these crime reduction strategies to keep you and your belongings safe:

  • Keep your garage door or shed closed. An open garage is an invitation for thieves to get their hands on your lawn equipment, bikes, golf clubs and more. 
  • Take photographs of your property and write down serial numbers. This will make it easier for investigators to recover your property and to catch the thief. 
  • Illuminate your neighborhood. Deter criminal activity by making it harder for thieves to lurk in dark areas.
  • Double-check the locks on your home, making sure it is difficult for thieves to gain access. 
  • Communicate with your neighbors when a suspicious person or vehicle has been spotted in your neighborhood. Get involved with your neighborhood watch group.

For more information, click here.