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Sharing the Joy of Christmas Alternative Gift Giving Fair

The United Methodist Women of Keller United Methodist Church are hosting their fourth annual Sharing the Joy of Christmas alternative gift giving fair on Saturday, November 16 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday, November 17 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at 1025 Johnson Road, Keller. This event features over twenty non-profit and fair trade organizations.

Products offered include fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate and olive oil. Baskets, scarves, clothing, jewelry, olive oil soaps, Christmas decorations, home décor, olive wood carved figures, candles and many other gift items will be available. Each purchase helps an artisan or farmer earn a living wage, live with respect and dignity and improves their quality of life.

Some of the fair trade organization at Sharing the Joy are Rahab’s Rope (fights human trafficking in India), Pilgrims of Ibillin (promotes a just peace in Israel-Palestine), Ten Thousand Villages (supports artisans in many countries), Prosperity Candle (supports refugees from Burma), and Mission Design (supports women artisans in Guatemala). Non-profits such as Habitat for Humanity, Congo Restoration, Heifer Project, Hope Refugees and United Community Centers will also be represented.

By purchasing fair trade gifts of giving honorariums to non-profits for Christmas, you will be helping our neighbors in this world who are struggling to support themselves and their families. Your gift will be unique and the recipient will be delighted with the gift as well as know that the gift made a difference someone’s life. Join us on November 16 & 17 and make a difference.