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Stitchery of vibrant red yellow and orange color in a dual fish patternLorena Iglesias Heyendburk brings her stunning collection of 'Molas,' the Traditional Costume of the Kuna Women, to Keller Town Hall for the month of March.

This art form is comprised of beautifully stitched panels which make up the front and back of a blouse or skirt created by the women of the Kuna tribe. These women began learning the art form at 5 or 6 years of age.

Margaret and Claudio Iglesias, Lorena's parents, were missionaries to the Kuna people of Kuna Yala (Kuna Land), located off the northeast coast of Panama. The collection was started in 1950 upon their arrival in Panama as newlyweds. It grew from gifts given to them by Kuna friends, family as well as purchases they made.

You can meet Lorena at a special 'Meet the Artist' reception from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, March 14th at Keller Town Hall. Enjoy sharing the history of the molas along with refreshments.

Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Keller Town Hall • 1100 Bear Creek Parkway

The exhibit is free and suitable for all ages. For more information, contact 817-743-4000 or email

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