Keller BubbleLife -
PHOTOS: Icemaggeddon 2013, The Second Installment


We've pretty much thawed out around here, but remember that time when the unofficially-named "icepocalypse" rolled through Dallas-Fort Worth one week ago? 

While the sun has melted the majority of the precipitation that stuck as a result of the ice storm, our readers continue to send in photos from their points-of-view. Some are nature shots and some are action shots—but they're all a good way to remember "Icemaggeddon 2013."

Our readers sent in the following photos of their neighborhoods (you can see the first round of reader photos here):

We never got out and got any "action " photos but I took a photo of a holly bush in our backyard and thought I would share! - Susan Thompson, Allen

And, some ice on the bushes in Lakewood, from reader Kara Babcock:

An Allen reader took this nighttime photo at Celebration Park:


Before take off..."scary." After take off...BIG difference!...:) Thought I would share my experience flying to Atlanta Saturday.Jan Leathers 


Lakewood resident Francie Hansen sent us some photos of her sons Shriver and Jackson and their friend Matthew Gresback sledding near White Rock Lake:

Thanks to all our readers for sending us your images.

Don’t forget to follow @bubblelifemedia on Instagram to see more Icemageddon images and other neighborhood photos on #bubblelifeDOTcom. 

Thursday, 12 December 2013