Home from college over the summer or a high school student looking for dual credit? Beginning German being offer at UTA (University of Texas at Arlington)....
The Explore Horizons’ Young Writers’ Award 2015 launches in Dallas-Fort Worth Best-selling author, Jonathan Meres to judge this year’s theme, ‘Strange Events...
KellerBandBoosters – Guest Contributor
Jan 23 2015
Please support the Keller Indian Band and help them go to Grand Nationals this fall. Just stop in and make a purchase at Panda Express in Watauga on Denton Hwy...
Anna Grimmer – Guest Contributor
Nov 3 2014
Education has always been a subject of intense scrutiny; it has been too easy, it has been too hard, and we are behind other countries based on test scores....
Please support the Keller Indian Band, this Friday at Taco Bueno in Keller. Just stop by anytime between 6 a.m to 1 a.m. and mention the band when you make...
It's game day! There's no more entrenched tradition than meeting under the Friday night lights -- and nowhere is the weekly showdown more jaw dropping than...
Grapevine Faith Christian School is honored to announce two National Merit Semifinalists and four National Merit Letters of Commendation recipients. In...
Tolly Salz – Guest Contributor
Sep 24 2014
We state these propositions neither lightly nor as easy generalizations. We here stake out a lofty claim for the value of the written word. We do so because we...
The Keller High School Marching Band will be marching over 6 miles throughout the streets of Keller, on September 6 from 8 a.m. to noon, to raise funds for the...
Amanda Calongne – Guest Contributor
Aug 14 2014
Attention Keller Moms. Keller Early Childhood PTA is a group of active moms in Keller and North Fort Worth with children younger than kindergarten. We get...