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Kids at the Keller Public Library today saw the Eiffel Tower, learned how to walk the dog and witnessed a reenactment of William Tell’s legendary apple-shot – all through the string of a yo-yo.

The library hosted Valerie Oliver’s “Whirled on a String” program on Wednesday, June 20 at 2 p.m.

Oliver had the children in attendance laughing, gasping and applauding for more as she used tricks to educate them on friction, levers and how to conduct a “Power Throw.”

The program taught children the value of hard work as well.

“Those people in the Olympics are no different from you,” Oliver told her young audience.  “What’s the difference?”

“Practice!” the children responded.

A young man named Alex volunteered for one of Oliver’s demonstrations.  Oliver built anticipation for what she would do next by telling the children about the legend of William Tell.

After the story, Oliver proceeded to knock Alex’s red cap off his head with her yo-yo.

“It’s so fun to teach these kids something that also happens to be entertaining,” said Oliver.

The Keller Public Library will continue hosting events throughout the summer.  For a complete list of events, click here.