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The revised STAAR test, implemented in Spring 2023, brings some new writing expectations, particularly for elementary students. Here's a breakdown of the key changes:

Reduced reliance on multiple choice: Gone are the days of solely relying on bubbled answers. The revised STAAR emphasizes constructed response writing, where students demonstrate their understanding through written explanations, arguments, or narratives.

Focus on deeper thinking and analysis: Expect prompts beyond simple recall requiring students to analyze, interpret, and synthesize information. This might involve breaking down complex topics, drawing connections between sources, or forming well-supported claims.

Integration with other subjects: The writing tasks may not be confined to language arts alone. Expect cross-curricular prompts that blend writing with science, social studies, or math. This encourages students to apply their knowledge and skills across different disciplines.

Variety in response formats: While essays remain important, the revised STAAR introduces more diverse writing formats. This could include letters, poems, scripts, charts, or even explanations of mathematical processes. This caters to different learning styles and allows students to showcase their understanding in natural ways.

Emphasis on explanation and justification: Answers are no longer enough. Students are expected to explain their reasoning and justify their claims with evidence. This encourages critical thinking and helps demonstrate their understanding of the underlying concepts.

Online testing environment: The revised STAAR is administered online, which opens up new possibilities for writing tasks. Students might be able to embed images, audio, or video in their responses, further enriching their communication.

Here are some additional points to keep in mind:

  • Grading by educators: The online format allows for human scoring by trained educators, potentially leading to more nuanced and accurate assessments of writing skills.
  • Lower accountability for students: While the revised STAAR still carries weight, individual student performance no longer directly impacts school ratings. This aims to reduce pressure and create a more supportive learning environment.

If you are concerned about your child's writing skills, please get in touch with Best Brains Learning Center for help.

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Multiplication facts are the foundation upon which advanced mathematical concepts are built. These seemingly simple arithmetic operations are the essential building blocks that students must master before delving into more complex mathematical realms. While some argue that calculators and digital tools have made memorizing multiplication tables obsolete, this article emphasizes why it is still crucial for students to commit these facts to memory.

Efficiency in Calculation 

The most immediate benefit of memorizing multiplication facts is increased efficiency in calculations. In advanced math, time is often of the essence. With a solid grasp of multiplication facts, you can perform calculations quickly and accurately, which can be a tremendous advantage in exams, real-world problem-solving, or everyday situations like shopping, budgeting, and cooking.

Foundation for More Advanced Concepts

Multiplication serves as the foundation for numerous advanced mathematical concepts. Whether it's algebra, geometry, calculus, or beyond, multiplication is a recurring theme. Understanding and mastering these advanced concepts becomes a much more challenging task without a firm grasp of multiplication facts.

  • Algebra: Algebraic equations frequently involve multiplying variables and constants. A firm grasp of multiplication facts is crucial for simplifying expressions, solving equations, and graphing functions.
  • Geometry: Calculating area and volume in geometry often requires multiplication. Memorizing multiplication facts is essential for accurate geometric calculations.
  • Calculus: Calculus involves various operations, including derivatives and integrals, which often require multiplying functions. A solid foundation in multiplication facts simplifies complex calculus problems.
  • Mental Math Proficiency

Memorizing multiplication facts enhances mental math skills. The ability to quickly perform mental calculations is an invaluable skill in everyday life and many careers. It can save time, boost confidence, and help make quick decisions.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities

Mathematics, at its core, is about problem-solving. Memorizing multiplication facts equips students with the tools to tackle complex mathematical problems effectively. It promotes critical thinking, logical reasoning, and a deeper understanding of the relationships between numbers.

Confidence and Reduced Math Anxiety

Success in mathematics is closely tied to confidence. When students have a solid grasp of multiplication facts, they are more likely to approach math confidently, leading to improved overall performance. Conversely, struggling with basic multiplication can contribute to math anxiety and hinder academic progress.

Real-World Applications

Multiplication facts are not limited to the classroom; they have numerous real-world applications. From calculating percentages and discounts while shopping to determining cooking measurements or budgeting finances, multiplication is an essential skill in everyday life. The ability to quickly and accurately perform these calculations is invaluable.

In conclusion, multiplication facts are indeed the building blocks of advanced math. Memorizing them is not just a rote exercise but a fundamental step in a student's mathematical journey. Efficiency in calculation, a strong foundation for advanced concepts, mental math proficiency, problem-solving abilities, increased confidence, and real-world applications are just a few of the compelling reasons why mastering multiplication facts is essential. In an age of digital tools, this basic arithmetic skill remains as relevant and vital as ever. Therefore, educators and parents should continue emphasizing the importance of memorizing multiplication facts to ensure students are well-equipped for advanced mathematics challenges and opportunities.

If your child is having difficulties with multiplication facts or any math concepts, contact us at Best Brains Learning Center. Our certified teachers can help your child get on track. Schedule your child's free diagnostic test today 

For more information, visit our website at


Every child is unique, and their educational needs vary. When seeking tutoring for your child, aligning your choice with their specific requirements and goals is essential. The decision to select between a tutoring center or a private tutor hinges on the nature of the child's challenges and educational aspirations. In this article, we will explore different scenarios and provide guidance on the ideal tutoring environment for each.

Need Help with Homework? 

If your child primarily requires assistance with homework, a private tutor may be the best option. Private tutors are adept at addressing specific topics and assignments, tailoring their support to the child's immediate needs. They can provide one-on-one guidance, clarify doubts, and ensure homework is completed effectively and comprehensively.

Child Is Smart but Not Being Challenged in School? 

Some children are exceptionally bright but may not be sufficiently challenged in their regular school environment. In such cases, tutoring centers can provide advanced coursework and intellectual stimulation. These centers often offer enrichment programs that cater to the needs of gifted students, allowing them to explore more advanced topics and reach their full potential.

Helping Your Struggling Learner in Math? 

If your child struggles with mathematics, a tutoring center is a suitable choice. Tutoring centers typically offer structured programs designed to address specific learning gaps and build a strong foundation in math concepts. These centers often follow a progressive curriculum, ensuring comprehensive mathematical topic coverage.

Child Has Trouble with Reading?

Tutoring centers are highly recommended for children grappling with reading difficulties, such as phonics, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. These centers employ specialized programs and experienced instructors to systematically help students overcome reading challenges. The structured approach can be particularly beneficial for improving literacy skills.

Child Has Trouble Paying Attention in the Classroom?

Small group tutoring in a tutoring center offers a focused and distraction-free learning environment for children facing attention difficulties in traditional classrooms. Unlike large classroom settings, small groups minimize distractions, allowing students to concentrate better. Tutors in this setting can adapt teaching methods to suit individual learning styles, making it easier for students to grasp the material. Additionally, students receive personalized attention, with tutors closely monitoring progress and providing tailored support. Small group tutoring is a highly effective solution for children struggling with attention issues, facilitating improved engagement and academic success.

Choosing the right tutor for your child is a crucial decision that should align with their unique needs and goals. Whether your child needs help with homework, is struggling in specific subjects, or requires enrichment opportunities, suitable options are available. Private tutors offer personalized attention and immediate support, while tutoring centers provide structured programs for comprehensive learning. By understanding your child's requirements, you can make an informed choice that sets them on a path to academic success and personal growth.

I would love to help you decide. Call me at Best Brains Learning Center 469-658-0000 or visit our website at


In the formative years of a child's education, the role of a tutor can be a game-changer. While there are various options for tutoring, having a certified teacher as a child's tutor is a choice that holds exceptional power. Certified teachers bring a unique blend of education, experience, and dedication to the table, making them invaluable allies in a child's learning journey. Let's explore the profound impact that a certified teacher can have when working one-on-one with a young learner.

  1. Pedagogical Expertise:

    Certified teachers have undergone rigorous training in the science and art of teaching. They are well-versed in child development, learning theories, and effective instructional strategies. This expertise allows them to adapt their teaching methods to the child's age, learning style, and individual needs, providing a customized learning experience that maximizes understanding and retention.

  2. Subject Mastery with a Child-Focused Approach:

    Certified teachers excel not only in knowing their subjects but also in making those subjects accessible and engaging for children. They possess a deep understanding of age-appropriate content and can simplify complex concepts, ensuring that the child grasps foundational knowledge crucial for future learning.

  3. Effective Communication Skills:

    Teaching children requires a unique set of communication skills. Certified teachers are adept at conveying ideas in ways that are clear, concise, and relatable to young minds. They can establish trust and rapport with children, fostering a positive learning environment where questions are encouraged, and curiosity thrives.

  4. Patience and Compassion:

    Certified teachers are well-versed in the art of patience. They understand that every child learns at their own pace and that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. This patience, combined with genuine compassion for their students, helps children build confidence, overcome challenges, and develop a love for learning.

  5. Individualized Learning Plans:

    Certified teachers can assess a child's strengths and weaknesses and create personalized learning plans tailored to the child's specific needs and goals. Whether a child needs help with reading, math, or any other subject, a certified teacher can design lessons that cater to their unique learning journey.

  6. Continuous Assessment and Feedback:

    Teachers are skilled at monitoring a child's progress and providing constructive feedback. This regular assessment and feedback loop are essential for tracking a child's development, identifying areas that need improvement, and celebrating their successes along the way.

  7. Instilling Lifelong Learning Habits:

    Beyond academic content, certified teachers instill crucial skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and a passion for discovery. They cultivate the seeds of curiosity and self-motivation that can last a lifetime.

  8. A Role Model and Mentor:

    Certified teachers often become role models and mentors for children. They embody the qualities of a lifelong learner, an inquisitive mind, and a compassionate heart, setting an example for young learners to follow.

The transformative power of a certified teacher as a child tutor cannot be overstated. Their pedagogical expertise, subject mastery, effective communication skills, and deep commitment to the child's growth make them exceptional guides during these crucial years of learning and development. If you're considering a tutor for your child, a certified teacher is a choice that empowers your child not only with knowledge but with the skills and confidence to become a lifelong learner.

Check out our teachers at Best Brains Learning Centers in Keller and Southlake.

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Join us for a fun and interactive Public Speaking course! This course helps children strengthen both their speaking and writing skills with engaging activities. During each session, the children will participate in activities that enhance their speaking skills such as using an appropriate speaking rate, identifying the proper tone of voice, incorporating gestures, and speaking clearly. Then, they will construct their speech, receiving individualized feedback from the teacher. Finally, each session will end with an opportunity to practice their speech. At the end of the course, children will showcase their skills for parents and students by presenting their final speech in-center.  

Each session is 90 minutes long, and the sessions meet once a week for 8 weeks. Each session is comprised of whole group, small group, and individual activities, encouraging children to be active participants in their learning. Optional homework will be given each session to reinforce skills taught in the class. 

Fill out this form  if your child is interested in joining Public Speaking at Best Brains - Keller Location.  

For more information, call 817-381-0000. Check out our website at



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Coding Classes Best Brains Learning Center - Keller Call Today 817-381-0000

Coding Program at Best Brains

STEM education meets creativity in Coding classes. Best Brains teachers lead students through modules designed to teach computer science concepts, provide hands-on experience, and impart real world skills. Any child with an interest in video games, content creation, or new media will benefit from our Coding courses.

Coding is available for students in Grades 1-8, divided into 5 levels based on grade and platform of interest: Scratch, Python, or Web Development. Weekly work is completed with supervision from instructors in student-led modules. 


What topics are covered? Just to name a few...

  • Game Design 
  • Animation
  • Machine learning 
  • Website development 
  • Internet safety tips


What are the benefits of Best Brains Coding Program?

  • Improves problem solving
  • Promotes critical thinking
  • Increases math literacy
  • Utilizes creativity
  • Encourages perseverance
  • Increases attention to detail

Abacus is a one-of-a-kind class offered at Best Brains. We use an actual abacus tool, which is an ancient calculator designed to help with faster calculations. Abacus was designed in such a way that it automatically enhances the power of the right brain. Our right brain is the numerical center and also a place from where analytical memory takes shape. Abacus training enables memory development in spatial orientation.

During the formative ages of 5-14, children have the capability of enhancing their brain power to the fullest. As your child's right brain develops more during the course of our program, they will be able to do complex calculations mentally. Our teaching methods will improve your child's concentration and overall thinking ability.

Benefits of Abacus

  • Enhances photographic memory
  • Enables quick and accurate calculations to be computed mentally
  • Develops concentration, listening and comprehension skills
  • Promotes creativity
  • Builds self confidence
  • Aids in mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

History of Abacus

The Abacus is an ancient mathematical instrument used for calculation. The Abacus was one of the world's first real calculating tools. The word Abacus is derived from the Greek word "Abex", meaning counting board. The original types of Abacus were dust-covered stone slates with a stylus used for marking numbers. Later this evolved into a slate with grooves where rocks or other counters would be placed to mark numbers. This magical tool has been termed as the "mother of modern computers", and is universally used for solving arithmetic functions like additions, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Best Brains Abacus Program

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Best Brains Keller Announces Scholarships For Summer Day Camp

Beginning today, Best Brains is pleased to announce it is now taking applications to select students who will receive full paid one-week scholarships to its 2019 STEAM+ Summer Day Camp located in Keller, TX. This is the first year that Best Brains will offer full paid scholarships. The deadline for applications is Friday, July 5, 2019.

This scholarship is designed to be used by children in families who are experiencing financial hardship yet have a desire to participate in summer camp. These are students who would benefit from the enrichment that summer camp has to offer.  This scholarship is for children ages 6-12 whose parent(s) is/are:

  • temporarily out of work
  • on limited income
  • overwhelmed by medical or other bills
  • experiencing other financial hardships


To be considered for this scholarship, parents must complete an application. Best Brains will award scholarships based on the following criteria:

       Financial need (Proof of income and financial hardship required)

       Interest and involvement in summer camp activities

       Potential for academic and social development through the summer camp experience

       Space availability


Recent research suggests that there are major gaps in students who attend summer camp; just 7% of students from poor families attend. “We realize that there are many families who cannot afford summer camp for their children. These kids are left home during long summer days looking for things to do while parents work. Some of their chosen activities lead to unfortunate consequences. As seen by a recent news story in which children found a gun and decided to play with it.” We want to change this narrative.

Our hands-on STEAM+ summer camp features science, technology, engineering, art, math + English. Kids, ages 6-12, will learn in a fun, engaging and interactive learning environment. This program will teach our young innovators to question, explore, and conquer obstacles.  Our summer activities will engage students in lessons that meet their social and academic needs. Classes include Coding, Art, Public Speaking, Math, English, and Science.

For Best Brains Keller Scholarship Application information click here.